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مقاله ها
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The development of communication technology has caused a significant portion of commercial trade mainly using traditional paper documents leaving off this medium and using the electronic media. This is why the formation and conclusion of a contract as one of the necessities of this type of business cannot be done only directly and physically. However, formation of contracts electronically has confronted with the bars and restrictions. In general, restrictions of e-commerce and consequently limitations of electronic contracts are divided into three categories: Legal bars and restrictions, technical and structural bars and restrictions, and cultural and social bars and restrictions. On the subject matter of the principles and legal issues such as the validity of electronic contracts and the extent to which the data message can express the intention and/or how formal contracts may form via electronic media, drafting an official document and so forth in addition to the gaps such as electronic endorsements and electronic letters of credit is important.Referring to the technical problems due to electronic malfunction, the error in the data message by electronic automated machines is very important. Social and cultural problems can also be taken into consideration. The importance of eliminating or reducing the barriers led the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) providing a Model Law on Electronic Commerce 1996 and a Model Law on Electronic Signatures 2001 and also holding a United Nations Convention 2005 in relation with using electronic communications in the international contracts.In this study, most effort has been done for the identification and scrutiny in the mentioned constraints and obstacles with the aim of eliminating or reducing done to minimize them.
Key Words: Electronic Media, electronic official document, security in cyberspace, The probative value of data message, UNCITRAL Model Law, United Nations Convention 2005
- United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [UNCITRAL] ↑
- شیروی عبدالحسین – ۱۳۹۰ – حقوق تجارت بینالملل– تهران- انتشارات سمت ↑
- خسرو پور مهدی ۲۰۱۱–دایرهالمعارف اطلاعات علمی و تکنولوژی صفحه ۵۱ – انتشارات information science refrence ↑
- Data message ↑
- www.wto.org/ecom/ecom/.htmlAEuropean Initiative in Electronic Commerce,com (97)157 at (7) aviliable at http;//cordis,europa.eu/pub ↑
- مانند ماده ۱۱۰۸ قانون مدنی فرانسه و ماده ۱۹۰ قانون مدنی ایران ↑
[شنبه 1401-09-26] [ 12:21:00 ق.ظ ]