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Diagnosis of Diabetes disease or understand the high risk of developing diabetes is not often an easy task. As many of the diabetes’ symptoms are occurring in other diseases. Analyzing many factors to diagnose a disease of a patient makes the physician’s job more difficult to detect. A physician commonly makes decision by evaluating the current test results of a patient, and according to the previous decisions he has made on other patients with the same condition.
In this thesis, a rule based classifier algorithm has been used to classify the diabetics. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been used for extracting fuzzy rules and parameters for creating appropriate fuzzy membership functions. The proposed PSO has characteristics that are different from other PSO based algorithms, such as swarm diversity enhanced function and simultaneous evolve of membership functions and fuzzy rules. Proposed fuzzy system evaluated on Pima diabetes data set regarding to classification accuracy, sensitivity and specificity values. The obtained classification accuracy is 84.32% that outperforms several famous and recent methods in classification accuracy for diabetes disease diagnosis. Also, simulation results shows that proposed PSO based method for creating a fuzzy classifier has a compact fuzzy rule base that increases the interpretation ability of algorithm.
Diabetes disease detection, rule-based classifier, PSO, membership functions and fuzzy rules simultaneous evolving.
Ministry of Science, Reasrch and Technology
Mazandaran University of Science and Technology
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the degree of
Master of Science in
Information Technology Engineering
Designing a Fuzzy Classifier by a PSO-Based Approach for Diagnosis of Diabetes Diseases
Dr Javad Vahidi
Dr Homayun Motameni
Hossein Mahdian
(Winter 2014)
- Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) ↑
- decision trees ↑
- k-nearest neighbors (K-NN) ↑
- Support Vector Machine (SVM) ↑
- Feed-forward neural networks ↑
- Recurrent neural networks ↑
- Multi-Layer Perceptron ↑
- back-propagation ↑
- Particle Swarm Intelligence ↑
- Kernel Methods ↑
- Vapnik ↑
- maximum margin ↑
- Support Vevtor ↑
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[سه شنبه 1401-04-14] [ 02:57:00 ق.ظ ]