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Today, the World Wide Web as the best environment for the development and dissemination of and access to knowledge are used. The main tool to access the endless ocean of information, search engines are one of the major sectors are ranked in response to a user’s search. Thus helping the user to find their desired web page is a very important issue. Due to the text and link-based methods, methods based on user’s behavior and judgment to restore justice and democracy on the web is considered. In other words, for web growth in terms of quantity and quality determine the fittest pages done by users themselves. However, it is important to detect and extract users’ judgment. User behavior during the search, including text query, the user clicks on the list of ranked results, stop time on the page and the information is recorded events during the search. These logs contain valuable information which they can analyze and evaluate the user behavior modeling can be used to improve the quality of the results.
This paper presents a model in which each query identifies five of the positive and negative feedback, including the number of users accessing the site, dwell time at each site, the number of downloads made at each site, number of positive and negative clicks per site at each list shown in web pages, receive and rank each page using one of the methods called TOPSIS multi-criteria decision calculates a new ranking of sites offering these rankings frequently using feedback from users to date is later.
search engine, user behavior, user’ feedback, multiple Attribute Decision making
Islamic Azad University
Science & Research lorestan Branch
Thesis on software engineering» M.Sc. «
Provide a model to rank web documents based on user’ feedback
Dr. Hassan Naderi
Consulting Advisor
Dr.Fardin Abdali Mohammadi
Fatemeh Ehsanifar
Winter 2014
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[سه شنبه 1401-04-14] [ 02:08:00 ق.ظ ]